Monday, November 12, 2012

I love my wow mop leveling guide

I sure am glad that I got a WoW MoP leveling guide.  It takes out all of the guesswork when I am trying to level.  It tells me exactly what zones to go into and what quests that I should be doing.  I don't have a lot of time to play WoW so this is perfect for me to be able to level quickly!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Jumping high for the win!

If you have to get one thing right, it's making sure your exercises jump higher really work.  You gotta make sure that you have the leap to make it where you need to go.

Let's take parkour for instance.  Sometimes you gotta jump high - like REALLY high - Just to grab onto a ledge that you will pull yourself up onto.  That's where your vertical matters most!  Well luckily I don't have to worry about that, cause I got the uber training program to take it to the next level...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Who counts sheep anymore!

Man oh man am I sleepy.  It's only a measly 9:30 but my Serta 12-Inch Gel Foam 3-Layer Mattress is sure calling me.  I gotta say after getting this thing I look forward to going to bed every night.  I used to just think "ughhhh I don't want to sleep because that means tomorrow gets here and then I gotta go to work..."  Well not with this puppy.  Now that means I can go lay down in this super nice, fancy, comfy mattress.  I freakin' love it.

ZzZzZzZz coming my way!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fires and pits and wood - oh my

Man oh man do I love fires in my Landmann USA 28925 Fireplace.  Well when they are contained and easy to put out.  That's why I got this awesome fire pit, because it's compact and easy to use yet it still builds an amazing fire.

And it's a giant ball, so when it's lit, it looks like some sort of  comet.  How do you say no to that??

Answer: You don't!

Friday, January 13, 2012


When you go to the bathroom somewhere like a workplace, you don't tend to notice little things like the fans. Our bathroom has fans that go constantly I guess for air flow. But obviously they make noise too.

Well you don't miss the fans and noise or even realize they are there until you are sitting in complete silence in a stall next to someone else.

I wish the fans were on.....

Saturday, January 7, 2012


so today I was taking out the trash, and Murphy decided to run out the door. normally, not a big deal, because he is such a small dog that he just stops and starts smelling stuff. well of course today when I am wearing nothing but basketball shorts he decides to start running towards the front yard. there were quite a few cars driving in the street so I was worried he was going to run out there. so of course here I am, topless, chasing after him like a big white godzilla after a small little dog in my front yard. I sure hope that the neighbors and the people driving by got a good laugh out of it. luckily, he only ran to the other side of the house and he did not get near the street. I guess I need to watch more of the dog whisperer to learn how to control him better.